Friday, June 17, 2011

13. report

I went to the local police station today. I didn’t know what else to do and I was hoping that going there and doing something would make me feel safer. They said if I file a report they will arrest him. I asked what would happen then. The detective was uncomfortably vague on that point. She just kept saying that it depends on the situation. But I already know.

I’ve seen enough episodes of Law and Order, 48 Hours and Cold Case files on TV. It goes like this:

  1. Jeremy gets arrested.
  2. He gets a lawyer and is released in less than 24 hours.
  3. He keeps stalking me.
  4. I get a restraining order.
  5. He ignores it and probably kills me in a vengeful rage.

And in all of this mess Colin will probably leave me for not being honest with him and trusting him. Maybe I’m better off dead. Because right now I feel so isolated and alone.

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